Arts and Sciences

Please join us for classes, demonstrations, subject specific meet and greets, socials, and more!
Subjects include: arts, DEIB, history, martial, sciences, and service.
Classes will be held Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

The schedule at a glance is here:
Full descriptions and information is here:

-Classes are first-come, first-gets-to-participate, but many allow people to “audit” which means you get to see and hear, but you don’t get a kit to try the activity. There is no pre registration. NOTE the class description for how many people may take each class.
-Bring your own chair if you need one, bring note-taking materials AND whatever the instructor asks you to bring.
-Arrive and depart on time (there are so many awesome classes! Please be courteous to the next class in the space!).
-Classes occur in various places on site. MOST are at the Arts and Sciences pavilions, near merchant’s row.